Say Hi to My Baby Girl !!!
Praise the Lord my God, Zoya has finally come to this world after 39 weeks of waiting. It was quite an experience for the past two days in the hospital, and few hours of sleep for Janice and I.
It is a strange feeling when I first saw Zoya poping out of Janice, but it is also such an amazing phenomena to see a brand new life come to this world. It again reminded me how great my God is, and He has been good to me.......
Both of my girl did such a wonderful job, and I am really thankful for all the friends and familys' support and prayers.
So, everyone say hi to my brand new baby girl..... : )

After a long long long wait, DaThrill has finally done it.
He finally poped the question to Syd. From what I understood, Syd did not hesitate to answer the question ( Janice and I had trained her well) , and let me say that she gave a good answer.
Congrad to DaThrill and Syd.
The only question now is deciding who is Will and who is Bigwill in the family...
haha, I am really happy now....
Job Search Ends Today !!!

( MRA Website ).
No one whose hope is in you will ever be put to shame - Psalm 25.3
No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him - 1 Corinthians 2.9
Happy Birthday !
Happy Happy Birthday Bro!
New Soccer Shoes

I tried my red hot shoes out this afternoon. Guys are making comments about me running a lot faster, and it felt great. The only drawback of running faster is now my knees are sore.......looks like I am getting old.........

This is my Baby Girl !!

you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
Your Eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
Psalm 139
Job Searching
It is the end of March, and I have been jobless for almost four month now. It was weird at beginning because I am not used to dayz without having to go to office. Then I get used to it, I learn how to use my free time, and it was great. Now I am a bit worried since everything else has been settled down in L.A., except for my job.
One of a potential job offer did not worked out yesterday, and I was kindda bummed out. I was bummed not because it could be pretty good offer, but because I am not sure what God want me to do. I am not sure why He wants me to wait for so long, and I am getting too much info from above...........
sighhhhhh.....it remind me of Yao's song "等待是多麼的無耐"..........
However, I am really thankful that Janice and everyone around me has been super supportive when I was down, and I have to say, the prayer's meeting every Wednesday is real help too. It kept me in-check weekly, and recharges my battery.
since I'm home a lot, I met my new best friend "Browney"
One of a potential job offer did not worked out yesterday, and I was kindda bummed out. I was bummed not because it could be pretty good offer, but because I am not sure what God want me to do. I am not sure why He wants me to wait for so long, and I am getting too much info from above...........
sighhhhhh.....it remind me of Yao's song "等待是多麼的無耐"..........
However, I am really thankful that Janice and everyone around me has been super supportive when I was down, and I have to say, the prayer's meeting every Wednesday is real help too. It kept me in-check weekly, and recharges my battery.
since I'm home a lot, I met my new best friend "Browney"

Getty Museum
Today is the Boyz daytrip & Girls Shopping Trip day. Originally we were all going to the Getty Museum near down town, but the girls in da house decided that shopping is more important than the art appreciations at the last minutes. So it was up to us boyz to finish what was planned.
The day started with a quick stop at the Disney Concert Hall at down town L.A..

After few photos taken and quick glance of the gift shop, we headed towards today's main attraction-the Getty.

It was a good day to visit Getty cause there is not too many people. However, the current galleries are not so exciting. The botanical garden is far more interesting, and I took a lot good photographs with the nice weather out. To enjoy the nice weather, little uncle and I grab an icy-cold beer and seating outside cafe. Uncle shared a lot of his wild story when he was young, and I had great time sharing my thoughts in life.
After the Getty, we headed toward Santa Monica Beach to avoid afternoon traffic. As soon as we pulled near Santa Monica, the fog covered the nice weather. It made me feel like back in S.F., and it felt nice. We walked around Promenade and stopped by the Starbucks then we headed back for Chino Hills.
Before we took off, the girls called after their exhaustion of shopping all day. They asked us if we want a in-n-out burger, but we decided we want fresh burgers, so we went ourselves. With nice and juicy burgers in hand, it ended the boyz trip on a good finish note!!!!

( Getty Trip Photos ).
The day started with a quick stop at the Disney Concert Hall at down town L.A..

After few photos taken and quick glance of the gift shop, we headed towards today's main attraction-the Getty.

It was a good day to visit Getty cause there is not too many people. However, the current galleries are not so exciting. The botanical garden is far more interesting, and I took a lot good photographs with the nice weather out. To enjoy the nice weather, little uncle and I grab an icy-cold beer and seating outside cafe. Uncle shared a lot of his wild story when he was young, and I had great time sharing my thoughts in life.
After the Getty, we headed toward Santa Monica Beach to avoid afternoon traffic. As soon as we pulled near Santa Monica, the fog covered the nice weather. It made me feel like back in S.F., and it felt nice. We walked around Promenade and stopped by the Starbucks then we headed back for Chino Hills.
Before we took off, the girls called after their exhaustion of shopping all day. They asked us if we want a in-n-out burger, but we decided we want fresh burgers, so we went ourselves. With nice and juicy burgers in hand, it ended the boyz trip on a good finish note!!!!

( Getty Trip Photos ).
L.A. Traffic !!!

Praise the Lord, after few weeks of waiting and changing, I finally have the two interviews scheduled for today.
The first interview is with The De Stefano & Partners, Ltd. at down town L.A..I woke up a bit earlier to prepare so I can face the famous L.A. traffic Jam. It was a surprise even though I know it’s coming, the actual traffic experience is quite different shock. What can I say.......it was a lot of cars. It took me one hour and forty minutes to roll thirty-five miles, and it was just one way. Lord please give me the strength if I have to do it everyday.....hahaha.
The interview with Doug at De Stefano went real well and I think Doug would be a real good mentor. However they don't have an immediate full time position, so I am keeping my finger crossed.......
After the interview, I had lunch with Jason in a pasta place near by. Thanks to Jason put in a good word for me so I can get this interview. After lunch, I still have four hours to kill before the next interview, so I decided to check out the L.A. public library right across street from the office.
Before I know it, it was 5:30, so I left the library & heading for my next interview-Marina Del Ray. And guess what, it took me solid one hour to drive seventeen miles from down town. Oh my Goodness............
I met Wolf and Martin at Bau 10, LLC., and I think they really like my works. Wolf and Martin are two young guys from Germany, and they do a lot of contemporary house up in the Hollywood mountains. They are really funny and I really enjoy the interview. The only thing is the salary I am asking for is a bit higher than what they have in mind, but I think my good work and experiences will be worth the extra bucks, whaha. Before I took off, they told me I should check out their local bars and restaurant near by so I won't have to stuck with traffic, but I am not sure I wanna drink by myself in any bars. So I passed the offer and Janice agrees with me. Since it is close to 7:30 when I left Marina Del Ray, it is pretty smooth all the way back to Chino Hills.
I am really thankful that both interview went really well, and I met all the really nice people today. The hard part is to decide which place I should work for, and the L.A. traffic jam when commute hours comes......................
Remember Jeff Ma !

( Remember Jeff Ma website ).
I cannot believe my ears when Janice told me that Jeff Ma had passed away last week. Then all the news on TV confirmed this unfortunate event. Even though I don't know Jeff personally, but I know Yao Yao & his family has getting pretty close with Jeff for the past year. I am not too familiar with Jeff's music but I really respect his devotion to Christian music and spread God's good new through his music. I am really bummed out because we lost a great leader and an artist in the Chinese Christian Music, just when things are taking off. But I also believe God has greater plans in front of us just like when Joshua take over and lead the Israelis when Moses passed away. The sudden death of Jeff also reminded me how little control we have in our life, and how unreliable these worldly things are.
The Lord sits enthroned over the flood;
the Lord is enthroned as King forever.
The Lord gives strength to his people;
the Lord blesses his people with peace,
Because the Lord is the answer to our suffer
and he knows our deepest desires and secret.
When we summit ourselves to him completely,
the Lord will reveal the secret of life and release the power from heaven.
In His Time
It has been over a month since Janice and I moved back to L.A., but it felt like three months for me. Especially for the last few days, most of the things on my " To Do" list have been done. Day goes by real fast, yet I felt I done nothing and it is not a good feeling.
One thing I picked up since I moved back is Wednesday's prayer meeting at church. So far I had learned how to 禱讀, how to speak in tongue, and how to receive Holy Spirit. It makes my bible reading and spiritual understanding a lot easier. Tonight, as I was sharing my thoughts I realized that God wants me to take little moment and be quiet in front of him. In the mist of moving, quitting jobs, looking for new job, and baby is coming, he is still working his magic. I have to admit that it is harder for me not to do anything than do a lot of things. I think it is also strange feeling that I know He is speaking to me, but I am not sure if I have received the message right. I guess in time things will be revealed and hopefully my spiritual sense will be more developed.
I am real bummed that my interview was scheduled for tomorrow just got pushed back, the question in my mind is " what are you trying to tell me?". Strange thing is I am not worried about getting a job (even though I should be)............
One thing I picked up since I moved back is Wednesday's prayer meeting at church. So far I had learned how to 禱讀, how to speak in tongue, and how to receive Holy Spirit. It makes my bible reading and spiritual understanding a lot easier. Tonight, as I was sharing my thoughts I realized that God wants me to take little moment and be quiet in front of him. In the mist of moving, quitting jobs, looking for new job, and baby is coming, he is still working his magic. I have to admit that it is harder for me not to do anything than do a lot of things. I think it is also strange feeling that I know He is speaking to me, but I am not sure if I have received the message right. I guess in time things will be revealed and hopefully my spiritual sense will be more developed.
I am real bummed that my interview was scheduled for tomorrow just got pushed back, the question in my mind is " what are you trying to tell me?". Strange thing is I am not worried about getting a job (even though I should be)............
2001 BMW M3 for Sale ( NEW LOWERED PRICE) !!!!

Dear friends,
here is 2001 BMW M3 for sale, please pass the word out to anyone who might be interested.
thanks in advance.
Price: $30,000
Body Style: Coupe
Mileage: 72,250
Exterior Color: Laguna Seca
Interior Color: Black
Engine: 3.2L 6 Cylinder
Tansmission: Manual
Drive Type: 2 wheel rear drive
VIN: WBSBL93412JR13763
There are also many modifications such as Tein Coilover, exhaust system, Air intake system, Brembo brakes, Navigation system...too many to list. Just come by and take a look.

brush on, brush off!!!

My Glass House

One of the benefit of not working is I get all the free time to finish the things on my "wish to do" list. One of them is to install my aero kit on my Mini. According to the installation manual, to install all four pieces of aero kit will only take 2.5 hours, so Chris and I spend an entire afternoon trying to install the aero kit, and we only did the front and two sides. It either because we are extremely slow and stupid or the instructions are underestimate the installation time. I have to finish the rear bumper the next day. It felt pretty good to see my project finally got finished and I was pretty proud of my accomplishment. Then my nightmare happened few days after I installed the aero kit. Someone rear-ended my rear bumper during parking. It was a rainy morning and the crack is not so obvious because all the rain water on the car, but I still noticed..... : (
One thing I really hate parking in the S.F. street is people always parked too close, and often bump into your car and leave a mark. That is one of the reasons that I did not install the aero kit for a while. Just when I thought it would be safe to install the brand new aero kit because I will be cruising in L.A. in few days. Guess what, God saw my plan and did not like it .... : (
For few days I was really mad about the guy who hit and run. The crack kept coming up in my mind and I kept thinking of ways to catch the guy who did it, and if there a way to fix the bumper. Then God told me the story about my glass house.
My Mini is like one of my many glass houses. I always want to keep all the glass clean and perfect. Just when I thought my Mini is perfect, then God throws a rock into my glass house and break one of the glasses. A glass house is like worldly things that we often obsessed and overly valued. It often distracts us from focusing on the things beyond this world. I guess it is real hard lesson for me and I still have a long way to go before I master this round.......
So, what is your glass house?
Cha Cha Cha

Tonight we are having dinner with Heike and Eric at Cha Cha Cha. Heike was my co-worker at Lawson's, and even we only known each other for short 3 years, we have become very close friends. Especially when Eric and Heike drove 400 miles to my wedding, I was really touched (since they are the only one from the office who came to my wedding). Later I found out that Eric proposed to Heike somewhere in San Louis beach on their way down to L.A.. Then, Janice and I went to their lovely wedding in Tuscany last September. We get to know their friends and family a bit more, and I think it brought our friendship a lot closer too. It is funny that our important life events were tied together……. Cha Cha Cha was one of my favorite in the city, and I think it is just the right flavor for Heike and Eric. It turns out they loved it. We talked a lot about our future plans, and I am really thankful that they are being really supportive on our live decisions and working direction, even it really sad that we will leave for L.A. end of this month. I am real sad that it will be harder to see Heike and Eric and Eric has to look for someone else go to racing school with him now, hehehehehe…….
What He told me today 1
-約伯記 42:5
-箴 10:22
I often felt like it is the end of world when there is problems in life, but if I look at all the events in my life, usually the problems does not seem so harsh in over all scheme of things. Then I wonder how are my problem compare to what Job has experienced in the scale of 1 to 10. It was probably 3 at the most........maybe 4........I think everyone encounter problem in life, but it is what attitude you face the problem with and if you give God a chance so one can experience Himself in their daily lifes.
-約伯記 42:5
-箴 10:22
I often felt like it is the end of world when there is problems in life, but if I look at all the events in my life, usually the problems does not seem so harsh in over all scheme of things. Then I wonder how are my problem compare to what Job has experienced in the scale of 1 to 10. It was probably 3 at the most........maybe 4........I think everyone encounter problem in life, but it is what attitude you face the problem with and if you give God a chance so one can experience Himself in their daily lifes.
Dine About Town

My favorite couple Fed & Deb has kindly invited Janice and I join them for dinner tonight. It has been a while since last time Janice and I went out for a nice dinner, and it is nice to get out of our chaotic apartment for a moment and enjoy the city night once again. Fed picked Rubicon on Sacramento Street, and it was famous for its selection of wines and Californian style dine. It is also the month for Dine About Town, so our focus was on the DAT menu for the night. I had Crispy Pork Shank & Potato Cake for first course, Ginger Roasted Petrale Sole for main course, and Frozen Milk Chocolate-Jasmine Mousse for the dessert. The food was real nice and all the flavors were carefully balanced. It has been almost 10 years since I first met Deb and Fed, and I think I will miss them a lot, and it makes every moment we spend together more memorable, and hopefully they can visit us in southern Cal once we move down.
( Dinner Photos ).
( Rubicon ).

I have moved many times in my life before, but the move Janice and I are preparing for the past few weeks are different. I guess this time moving back to L.A. means a totally new life for Janice and I, and for the first time we will be parents. For that reason I have notice how much a baby can change my life (it is harsh on me so far, but I think it will be all worth it). I can't believe how much stuff I have while packing. It reminded me of Yao's song about how you can pack up entire your life in boxes. I noticed many things that I never use were just sitting in the closet, and it is frustrating when I try to decide weather to pack those item or not. I think I will be more careful about buying stuff that is things I need and not things I want. It also makes me think about what is important in life that is worth me packing. After serious thinking, I realize the important stuff is the things money can't buy (so I will never buy things again.....just kidding). Maybe I should leave all my belonging behind and start out new.............neeeee, I am still too attached to my stuffs. Anyway, I think I will miss S.F., and I will also miss all my friends here!
Reality Check

Tonight we are having dinner with Judy and Ivy in south bay. After the dinner, Judy handed down Faith's stroller, and both Janice and I are really grateful for Judy's generosity and thoughtfulness. Judy showed us how to operate the stroller and I thought to myself "it is really complicated". Then the real challenge came when we were putting the stroller into my MINI!!! It barely fits after I put down the rear seats and then the reality hits me. I might have to get a bigger car...........Maybe even a SUV or Van....................About a year ago I was laughing at Yao Yao's big ass van and sliding door, then he told me one day I will have to get a van when I am having kid. I laughed at Yao and told him I will make it work with my MINI, and now I am no longer laughing. I hate big cars, and I love my MINI sooooooo much. It was a real struggle, and I still cannot imaging myself in a SUV or van. This "having a Baby business" really sucks, and so far it made me have to move to L.A., and now I might have to give up my MINI. God please give me strength and tell me it will be all worth it.
Down Town L.A.

Today we are meeting Justine and Jason for lunch near down town L.A., they are my schoolmates back in Berkeley. I haven't seen them since last time when Janice and I visited them in Cambridge couple years ago (gosh, time goes by fast).
We met at Jason's firm in down town, and he is kind enough to show us his office and the work he is doing. Jason is working on two high-rise buildings, one in down town, one in Phoenix, and he is managing a team of 6. The firm occupied half of the floor in a 73 story building, and it seems a pretty big space for a firm of 16 people. They still do a lot of physical models and I guess that is why they need so much space, hahhahaha. After the office tour, we went to the Border Grill in Santa Monica, and it was really dark in side. It is kind of strange for a California grill restaurant, but whatever. After the dinner, we took a short walk to Santa Monica Boardwalk. The last time I visited was in high school (about 11 years ago), and I don’t think it has changed much. It is nice to visit old friends in the old place, and the old place will become a new place when we move back to L.A. I was really happy to see Justine and Jason, and I am really happy seeing them doing what they want in life. Also I will have more friends after I move down from S.F.
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