Tonight we are having dinner with Judy and Ivy in south bay. After the dinner, Judy handed down Faith's stroller, and both Janice and I are really grateful for Judy's generosity and thoughtfulness. Judy showed us how to operate the stroller and I thought to myself "it is really complicated". Then the real challenge came when we were putting the stroller into my MINI!!! It barely fits after I put down the rear seats and then the reality hits me. I might have to get a bigger car...........Maybe even a SUV or Van....................About a year ago I was laughing at Yao Yao's big ass van and sliding door, then he told me one day I will have to get a van when I am having kid. I laughed at Yao and told him I will make it work with my MINI, and now I am no longer laughing. I hate big cars, and I love my MINI sooooooo much. It was a real struggle, and I still cannot imaging myself in a SUV or van. This "having a Baby business" really sucks, and so far it made me have to move to L.A., and now I might have to give up my MINI. God please give me strength and tell me it will be all worth it.
i already told you that you need a VAN!!!!! face the reality bro! =P
by the way, forgot to say one more thing. you should put your MINI on the list for moving sale! hahahaha! =P
You really don't need to get an SUV, unless you want one! In my outdated Consumer Reports for Best Baby Product, it says......
Best family sedan: Honda Accord
Best small sedan: Honda Civic
Best SUV: Honda Pilot
Best Minivan: Toyota Sienna
Best small Wagon: Pontiac Vibe
Best Small SUV: Subaru Forester
We have a small car and we're fine! But a Mini might be too mini!
To Syd:
thanks for the support and advise. So you wanna buy my MINI? I will teach you how to drive a stick!!
To Joy薯:
好像不是粉好笑 :(
To Aiwen:
thanks for the stat, but I like non of the car on the list. Maybe Forester or Pilot.....
Why can't you keep your mini and get another larger car when you take the family out? Afterall, you don't need to drive a big fat gas eating machine to work everyday!
You know, the biggest difference with having a baby while you're young (like you guys) and when you're old (like us) is...... we've waited for a long time for a baby and having one at our age is a miracle. So we gave up EVERYTHING!
To Ivy:
To Aiwen:
I totally agree with you, why drive a gas monster while commute in the L.A. traffic. I like the idea of having 2 cars, but I already have 2 cars (I have a 91 MR2 which is my project, but after dumping so much time and money into it, it still sits on the driveway and havent been driven much).
And, I dont think you are that old.....just how old is too old????Kids are the gift from God, and he has its own time. You are right about having kids later will be harder because of parents' physical condition, but it is not impossible. Hehehe.......Anyway, I think kids is the most precious gift of God, and I will really cherish it. But having a kid is not everything in life. There are much more things in Life.......Like my spouse, friends, and family, and my car, hehehe......but again, I do realize I have to adjust my life becuse of this baby........errrrrrrrrrrr
So your next project is to get your precious wife and baby a family car!
Having a kid IS everything in my life, well......, kid, family and spouse are all in the same package! But I've quit my job, have fewer friends, and spents 24/7 with the kid! My life before baby and marriage is all partying and drinking and partying and drinking and working for partying and drinking!! Ha! Those were the good old days! But I thank God for Austin, he's the best gift ever! He's worth giving everything up for!
加油加油, 你們搬去LA有家人的幫忙
you will still own a MINI...Van
嗚嗚嗚, 可惡ㄉ堯堯........
how was your new Mazda 5????
It is worthy, brother! And the Mazda 5 is fun! I love it!
baby裝後座, stroller綁車頂
To 沙子娘:
which model did you get? and how much did you pay for the car? hows the gas milage?
to Sunny:
好主意, 不愧是Ph.D....
I got Mazda5 Touring. They didn't have Grand Touring when I bought it. Costs me almost 25000. It's a fun car and very easy to handle. Mileage 22/27.
The best is I got enought room for my baby and stroller, and still give me enough room for two more people, three more when the very back sit up, four more without the stroller in the car.
Oh Aiwen, you don't look like you had a life like that before. The baby can really make your life totally different.
The Mazda 5 is an interesting choice. However, some reviewers feel it's underpowered (heavier car powered by a 4 cyl).
Another new choice is the Mazda 6 hatchback. It's good looking, available with a V6, and if I were buying now, I'd look at it very closely.
I bought my baby-mobile (Mazda Tribute) before I even met my wife (and before the 5 and 6 were available) - there was no way I was going to buy a MINI-Van as a single guy! I've been very happy with it - it's still a cute ute (barely bigger than a VW Jetta), 4WD is handy in the snow (done that), and it can fit quite a bit, and although it's not a sports car, it handles pretty well.
You can combine true sports car with family car, but then you're looking at stuff like the Audi S4 Avant, Porsche Cayenne, etc.
I hope you can find a way to keep the Mini - they are sweet little cars.
thanks for the info guys.
I thought of getting the WRX wagon, but Janice didnt like it. Janice and I saw a RDX on the way back to S.F., and we both like it. I checked when I got home. it is 4 cyl. w/ turbo. but it is a bit pricy.
Yes, we could spend days talking about cars. There are so many choices both new (e.g. Nissan Versa, Honda Fit, Mazda CX7, Chevy HHR, etc) and used (e.g. Lexus IS300 Sportcross). The RDX does look nice.
If you're really concerned about gas mileage, a hybrid might work well for lots of stop and go traffic. I'm not sure you still get the HOV exemption, which could be nice in LA traffic.
Last time I bought, I did a lot of research on edmunds.com and elsewhere, and went through internet sales (fleet sales), which was a very good buying experience - good price, no pressure.
True! But then it all depends...... Austin's 3.5 year old and still less than 30 lbs. so at times, I'm glad that he's lightweighted because we have no problem with him in our little car. And little cars are low enough for him to climb in and out and seating himself!
Where as I drove my brother's Toyota 4-runner in LA and little Austin has a problem climbing onto it because it's really high. So I had to put him in! But I don't have to bent down and strap him!
So every car has it's pros and cons. I guess mini-van looks like your best choice. But mini-vans are mini-vans to me...... they all look ugly!
And men and women are always going to disagree about car choices...... so you should listen to Janice!
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