I have moved many times in my life before, but the move Janice and I are preparing for the past few weeks are different. I guess this time moving back to L.A. means a totally new life for Janice and I, and for the first time we will be parents. For that reason I have notice how much a baby can change my life (it is harsh on me so far, but I think it will be all worth it). I can't believe how much stuff I have while packing. It reminded me of Yao's song about how you can pack up entire your life in boxes. I noticed many things that I never use were just sitting in the closet, and it is frustrating when I try to decide weather to pack those item or not. I think I will be more careful about buying stuff that is things I need and not things I want. It also makes me think about what is important in life that is worth me packing. After serious thinking, I realize the important stuff is the things money can't buy (so I will never buy things again.....just kidding). Maybe I should leave all my belonging behind and start out new.............neeeee, I am still too attached to my stuffs. Anyway, I think I will miss S.F., and I will also miss all my friends here!
welcome back to Southern California... I was sad when I left the Bay Area, but there are things here that you will be looking forward to...
I will be moving to OC this Feb... soon, I will be around as well...
you have friends?? j/k
nice shirt!!! okokok...
err...what's the total number of boxes????????????????????
and..yes, your face is indeed very very confused!!! =P
ok, enough from me!
don't worry, it's gonna be worth it!! think about it....your baby girl is gonna say "Ba-Ba" or "Daddy"...with her sweetest baby voice...then you will know it's worth it!
btw, i mean after many months of diaper changing...
To Hans:
Alice and I were just talking about you moving to O.C., Alice was saying we should difinitely haung out and maybe get you a nice church girl. Because she didnt want you to turn gay. wahahahaha....
To Sydney:
Enough lo, sounds like you really want to have a kid too. and yes, i do have friends....wahaha. so are you going to help out w/ the baby?
you guys are funny...........
i only play with the baby. i dont' help out! =P
To Sydney:
Yeah, I already know it since you were such a big help on our wedding favor candy.....but you probably have more important things to do.....like haning out w/ Will Chen.
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