One of the benefit of not working is I get all the free time to finish the things on my "wish to do" list. One of them is to install my aero kit on my Mini. According to the installation manual, to install all four pieces of aero kit will only take 2.5 hours, so Chris and I spend an entire afternoon trying to install the aero kit, and we only did the front and two sides. It either because we are extremely slow and stupid or the instructions are underestimate the installation time. I have to finish the rear bumper the next day. It felt pretty good to see my project finally got finished and I was pretty proud of my accomplishment. Then my nightmare happened few days after I installed the aero kit. Someone rear-ended my rear bumper during parking. It was a rainy morning and the crack is not so obvious because all the rain water on the car, but I still noticed..... : (
One thing I really hate parking in the S.F. street is people always parked too close, and often bump into your car and leave a mark. That is one of the reasons that I did not install the aero kit for a while. Just when I thought it would be safe to install the brand new aero kit because I will be cruising in L.A. in few days. Guess what, God saw my plan and did not like it .... : (
For few days I was really mad about the guy who hit and run. The crack kept coming up in my mind and I kept thinking of ways to catch the guy who did it, and if there a way to fix the bumper. Then God told me the story about my glass house.
My Mini is like one of my many glass houses. I always want to keep all the glass clean and perfect. Just when I thought my Mini is perfect, then God throws a rock into my glass house and break one of the glasses. A glass house is like worldly things that we often obsessed and overly valued. It often distracts us from focusing on the things beyond this world. I guess it is real hard lesson for me and I still have a long way to go before I master this round.......
So, what is your glass house?
Maybe God is hinting you to give up your mini! Ha~Ha~
About our glass house, we've already moved out! It's too fragile! We now live in a dump! Ha~ Ha~
Good luck, bro!
To Aiwen:
Hint is well understood, but I am still trying not to accept the reality.
About your dump, I heard else. Someone told me you live in a pretty good place w/ all the fancy Ikea furniture....
what's my glass house?!....i have to think think... =P
I think the way I grew up and came about really taught me the valuable lesson of not look at anything as my glass house. I think most people have a problem of me not valuing anything in my life....
Which IKEA do you shop at? I never knew IKEA sells fancy furniture? I know they sell cheap furniture! That's the only place I can afford, barely! ......Or are you trying to be sarcastic?
To Syd:
think think harder.....hehehe
To Joy:
good for you, one less thing for you to worry about. someone tell me an relationship could be a type of glass house too. In my friend's case, it is his love relationship.
To Aiwen:
It just cost me over $600 at Ikea........definitely not cheap either. Sarcatic is my middle name, but in your case, I'm not trying to be sarcastic, just things I heard....hehehe. fancy or dump, it doesnt really matter since the point I try to get at is not to focus so much on the material world.....
My glass house is you, what should I do ne?
to Icecreampuff:
I'm your angel send from above, not glass house. ok honey!!!
You need a halo. Austin will teach you how on his blog!
to Aiwen:
i guess Austin can teach me this summer when you guys come. I hope he doesnt charge too much for the lesson.....
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