Praise the Lord, after few weeks of waiting and changing, I finally have the two interviews scheduled for today.
The first interview is with The De Stefano & Partners, Ltd. at down town L.A..I woke up a bit earlier to prepare so I can face the famous L.A. traffic Jam. It was a surprise even though I know it’s coming, the actual traffic experience is quite different shock. What can I say.......it was a lot of cars. It took me one hour and forty minutes to roll thirty-five miles, and it was just one way. Lord please give me the strength if I have to do it everyday.....hahaha.
The interview with Doug at De Stefano went real well and I think Doug would be a real good mentor. However they don't have an immediate full time position, so I am keeping my finger crossed.......
After the interview, I had lunch with Jason in a pasta place near by. Thanks to Jason put in a good word for me so I can get this interview. After lunch, I still have four hours to kill before the next interview, so I decided to check out the L.A. public library right across street from the office.
Before I know it, it was 5:30, so I left the library & heading for my next interview-Marina Del Ray. And guess what, it took me solid one hour to drive seventeen miles from down town. Oh my Goodness............
I met Wolf and Martin at Bau 10, LLC., and I think they really like my works. Wolf and Martin are two young guys from Germany, and they do a lot of contemporary house up in the Hollywood mountains. They are really funny and I really enjoy the interview. The only thing is the salary I am asking for is a bit higher than what they have in mind, but I think my good work and experiences will be worth the extra bucks, whaha. Before I took off, they told me I should check out their local bars and restaurant near by so I won't have to stuck with traffic, but I am not sure I wanna drink by myself in any bars. So I passed the offer and Janice agrees with me. Since it is close to 7:30 when I left Marina Del Ray, it is pretty smooth all the way back to Chino Hills.
I am really thankful that both interview went really well, and I met all the really nice people today. The hard part is to decide which place I should work for, and the L.A. traffic jam when commute hours comes......................
祝威爺好運 可以拿到high salary~
That's swell!
I was just telling Janice that Marina del Rey's a cool place! Close to where I am and close to the beach! I take Austin there sometimes and hang out! But traffic jam is a bummer!
To Befun:
其實還沒有真正ㄉoffer,所以可能還要等ㄧ等. 謝謝你ㄉ祝福!
To Aiwen:
yeah, i like Marina del ray. the part i went is more industrial mix with new residential setting, but i really like it. the only thing is it is really far from chino hills.......
yeah... I really hate the traffic in LA... it makes everywhere seem so far away.
so Anaheim it is... In a week, I will be not too far from you guys~
Not worthy to spend too much time to commute.
May God pave the way for you and I pray that will happen quickly! Will, thank you for telling me the canon info. I really appreciate it! I was freaking out this weekend thinking my camera will be DONE! but after hearing from you that Canon has great customer service, I feel much better. now I am just waiting for Monday to come so I can call them to figure out what happened to our camera....
God bless!
Heard about your Getty's visit! Take any pictures?
God will lead our ways~!
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