After a long long long wait, DaThrill has finally done it.
He finally poped the question to Syd. From what I understood, Syd did not hesitate to answer the question ( Janice and I had trained her well) , and let me say that she gave a good answer.
Congrad to DaThrill and Syd.
The only question now is deciding who is Will and who is Bigwill in the family...
haha, I am really happy now....
OMG!!!!! you finally updated...
i guess we motivated you to blog!
thanks for the post and who is Will and who is Will?! hahahahaha
I am happy~ very happy~
Muhahahaha............ so happy!
hee hee, thank you thank you! =)
Pop over from Janice's place, how is daddy doing? Do keep us posted on the baby and mommy since Janice wont be able to blog for at least a month.
Congrats to Sydney and Will!
What do you think of "Daddy Will" till DaThrill has his own kid, haaaa...
God Bless !
To Mommy Dearest:
I will try my best to keep up with my blogging. Since Janice does much better job than I do, I think it is better to wait for her to update the blog. Plus I think I will need all the time I can get for sleeping once the baby is here. but I will try, I will try.....
I like Daddywill, I hope it wont put too much pressure on DaThrill trying to catch up..hahah
Is the baby out yet? oooo, praying hard praying hard!
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