Wa Le, 回頭ㄧ看, 原來是我ㄉ丈母娘. 說也奇怪, 本來還猶欲不決, 但因丈母娘ㄉㄧ句話心裡就很平安. 不愧是牧師娘.

唉! 吉他之路真是學無止盡..........

Just a little side note, one of my favorite guitar player Jimi Hendrix often use a similar white Strat. Jimi is one of the legend in acid rock back in the 60's among with Jim Morrison & Janis Joplin (the 3 J's).
another side note: none of the 3J live past 30, it is really sad : (
Jimi plays with his full body and soul (sometimes his mouth), but he sold his soul to the devil.........
Love playing guitar, but also love God my Lord more, hehehe
Here is Jimmi play "hey joe" live
Wow, this is a beautiful guitar!! I want one too:-) I believe it became a wonderful tool for you to worship our Lord with your full body, soul and spirit!
I am really touched by your testimony about how did you start learning guitar, it encourages me a lot to continue my guitar dream, may God help me to have a break-through and use guitar to worship Him as well! I will pray and practice more often...
Thanks for teaching me guitar skills and buy us dinner last night! Hope to see you all this coming weekend!
我沒練過自己 Guitar Solo ㄉ部份ㄋㄟ...................
阿等我練好我ㄧ定Post (緊張)
Bro. Yang:
haha, happy that I can share my guitar experience with you. we should jam together next time, it would be fun.....hope to see you this saturday.
you wife said that i don't leave comment on her blog...hahaha
well, i think you get the idea why your wife loves blogging...heehee =)
syd, 你夠了喔...
哇 威爺你真是太厲害了啦
上星期電視上有談到Janice Joplin,好像有一些人模仿她再度唱她的音樂,我沒有特別記下是在那裡演出‧
喔耶 Rebecca 也來了
其實我時常出切, 因為我每次彈彈就不知到自己談到哪裡. 不過你願意開懷ㄧ笑, 我樂意entertain you. (just dont laugh too hard). 不過我很希望神能賜給我ㄉ教會ㄧ個更有恩膏ㄉPraise Team....
You are welcome to leave all your comments on my Blog ONLY. since my things is also janices' things. therefore, your comments on my blog is the same as you leave on Janice's blog..................
However, i have a feeling that i am going to sleep on the floor tonite..........
R E B E C C A:
謝謝我在這裡出現, 也謝謝你ㄉ鼓勵. 希望神能讓更多人來到他ㄉ面前來敬拜讚美他
hey, no update???
lazy Will...
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