列 王 記 下 4 : 3 ~ 6
以 利 沙 說 、 你 去 、 向 你 眾 鄰 舍 借 空 器 皿 . 不 要 少 借 、
家 裡 、 關 上 門 、 你 和 你 兒 子 在 裡 面 、 將 油 倒 在 所 有 的 器 皿 裡 、 倒 滿 了 的 放 在 一 邊 。
於 是 婦 人 離 開 以 利 沙 去 了 、 關 上 門 、 自 己 和 兒 子 在 裡 面 . 兒 子 把 器 皿 拿 來 、 他 就 倒 油 .
器 皿 都 滿 了 、 他 對 兒 子 說 、 再 給 我 拿 器 皿 來 。 兒 子 說 、 再 沒 有 器 皿 了 、 油 就 止 住 了
Then Elisha said to her, What am I to do for you? say now, what have you in the house? And she said, Your servant has nothing in the house but a pot of oil. Then he said, Go out to all your neighbours and get vessels, a very great number of them. Then go in, and, shutting the door on yourself and your sons, put oil into all these vessels, putting on one side the full ones. So she went away, and when the door was shut on her and her sons, they took the vessels to her and she put oil into them. And when all the vessels were full, she said to her son, Get me another vessel. And he said, There are no more. And the flow of oil was stopped.
Often my life is like a vessel that filled with whole bunch stuff. A lot of it is my pride, prejudice,dirty thoughts, things I want, but few are from God. Sometimes I pray that God can fill me with more of his wisdom and blessing, but often i forgot that my vessel is already filled my my own stuff. and a lot of times, thats what prevented us from God's blessing.
People often ask for better job, a better partner in life, a bigger house or a nicer car, but people never ask themselves if they deserve the things they are asking for. A better job, are you exerienced enough to qulify a better job; a better partner, are you and your partner have matched quality, or you are just asking for someone who is too good for you.
But from now on, I know I can ask God to enlarge my vessel or give me more vessel so I will have a place to catch God's oil. Now I think of the time since I college, I have gain so much weight. I hope my spiritual vessel can be enlarged like my big tummy so my 身,心,靈都ㄧ樣建壯.