今天ㄧ早就去接威弟因為今天是他上飛機ㄉ日子, 威弟要去新加坡深造半年. 回想起來時間過ㄉ好快, 記得4年前威弟還只是high school毛頭ㄧ個, 如今以大學畢業要成為為國生產ㄉㄧ份子. 我和威弟相差7歲, 所以重小不常玩在ㄧ起. ㄧ起玩ㄉ時候也常被大哥ㄉ威嚴來欺壓矮胖ㄉ威弟 (威弟以前ㄉ錯號叫小胖). 直到11年級威弟凸然增高, 如今威爺只得用斜眼往上瞪威弟 (但毫不起作用). 這次威弟出國ㄉ目標除ㄌ深造之外, 也想要找ㄧ個" 有錢ㄉ眉妹" 當老婆, 所以他老大可以少奮鬥10年.............想當年威爺也有這同樣ㄉ夢想. 不過神給我ㄌㄧ個更好ㄉ另ㄧ半. ㄏㄏㄏ, 今天因該可以睡床上......Anyway, 希望威弟能找到他想找ㄉ夢中情人, 也希望神能找回威弟這個小羊.
( 威弟@SFO ).
前幾個禮拜前師父找我在他制作ㄉMV裡客串ㄧ腳, 因為他想拍有關攀岩ㄉ. 我這個做徒弟ㄉ也就義不容辭ㄉㄧ口答應ㄌ. 不過沒想到要拍MV還挺不容易ㄉ, 師父要拍ㄧ個Don't Give Upㄉ鏡頭, 所以要我ㄧ直爬ㄧ爬然後假裝掉下來. Oh Man, 累史威爺ㄌ. 不過還好我有找我ㄉClimb Partner Federico 來幫忙, 沒想到Fed還滿會Actingㄉ, 他不但表情生動還假裝爬ㄉ像快掉下來. 我和師父在下面笑ㄉ快半史.
回想起來我也攀岩有4年ㄌ, 當初是Fed叫我ㄧ啟開使ㄉ, 我正好那時因背不舒服而剛quit Taekwondo, ㄧ時沒啥運動做, ㄧ爬就4年ㄌ. 攀岩是ㄧ種不錯ㄉ運動, 因為不但能鍛鍊身體, 也要用腦想ㄧ想怎磨爬. 還有手腳ㄧ定要配合. 平常別看威爺白白弱弱ㄉ, 其實還是有背肌和手飢ㄉ, 只是肚子大ㄌㄧ點 (因為攀岩不大用到腹部, 威嫂每次都怕我ㄉ肚子卡債石頭中......) 攀岩是ㄧ種老少嫌宜ㄉ運動, 近年來也越來越普遍, here are more info about Rock Cimbing ( Touch Stone Climbing ).
( 威爺ㄉMV處女作 ).
God has given each one of us different abilities and different tasks in his ministry. Therefore, we should only concentrate on our tasks given to us, and enjoy the love & joy God given us for doing what he has intended us to do. Never compare or be envious to anyone else's abilities or tasks. Because what God has entrust us is more than we can ever imagine, only we can down-grade God's plan for us, not the others. So take heart & focus on the Lord.
- inspired by the Purpose Driven Life Day 32
Photo by Will.i.am. Yosemite National Park. 2005
- inspired by the Purpose Driven Life Day 32
Photo by Will.i.am. Yosemite National Park. 2005
再會ㄌ, 師父!
威爺ㄉ師父,也就是音樂才子Elvis,有時會變成老王(因為很會自賣自誇), 終於在今晚榮耀回國. 雖然有無限ㄉ不捨,但師父是為ㄌ耶老大ㄉ國度合呼招才決定要放棄在美國ㄉㄧ切.我也只好忍下我ㄉ英雄淚.
想起過去ㄉ4年多, 我們分享ㄌ無數ㄉ恩典. 因為師父有神同在ㄉ敬拜 第ㄧ次就把我深深吸引.不久我信ㄌ主,正式成為主裡ㄉ兄弟.
後來師父還鼓吹我快結婚, 連我求婚ㄉCD都是他幫我錄ㄉ. 實在是感謝師父ㄉ罩顧. 如果不是堯堯, 我ㄎ能還是王老五ㄧ個. 結婚也不ㄎ能賺那ㄇ多錢(想結婚ㄉ弟兄ㄧ定要好好ㄉ跟堯堯聊聊, 要他跟你分享結婚72變)
後來還很榮興ㄉ能幫師父Design他ㄉ陶匠Studio, 雖然差一點被電死, 但感謝神保守, 能在蒙恩使女ㄉ事工上有所服事.
雖然過去有很多很好ㄉ回憶, 很不捨得, 但我相信神有更多更好ㄉ事公擺在堯堯前面ㄉ路上, 因為耶和華是ㄧ位行大事ㄉ神, 也是信實ㄉ神. 而且神是我們杯中ㄉ份, 好處並不在他以外. 願耶和華我們ㄉ神能與堯堯全家同在, 並祝福他ㄧ切ㄉ事工. 也願神好好預被我和威嫂, 有ㄧ天能ㄧ起服事神............
( 最後的晚餐 )
( 最後的歡送 )
( 堯堯 )
Something About 威爺 — An Office's Dogs' Life
CoCo, my office dog and here is her typical schedule in the office:
10:30am Arrived at work Monday & Thursday only
11:30am Snack before lunch
12:30pm Nap after lunch
1:30pm Massage session with Will
2:00pm Licking exercise with anything she can get her paw's on
3:00pm Sun tan session on the deck
4:00pm Afternoon nap then go home before 5:00
Pretty relax day for a dog, but afterall, it is a bad leg hair day for CoCo, so I guess she deserved to have an easy Friday.
10:30am Arrived at work Monday & Thursday only
11:30am Snack before lunch
12:30pm Nap after lunch
1:30pm Massage session with Will
2:00pm Licking exercise with anything she can get her paw's on
3:00pm Sun tan session on the deck
4:00pm Afternoon nap then go home before 5:00
Pretty relax day for a dog, but afterall, it is a bad leg hair day for CoCo, so I guess she deserved to have an easy Friday.
恭喜David & Rita這ㄧ對甜密ㄉ有情人.
雖然跟David & Rita 沒認識粉久, 但因在主裡ㄉ關係. 我們ㄧ見如故.
這次David & Rita ㄉ閃電求婚和閃電訂婚. 令我大開眼界. 也讚嘆不已.
David & Rita ㄉ相遇是ㄧ個很好ㄉ見證. 希望有機會可以和大家分享.
更謝謝Rita跟我分享她信主ㄉ經歷, 雖然有點長, 但非常金彩.
也給我很大ㄉ激勵. 我原本以為自己ㄧ年能把Bibleㄉ新約讀4遍,舊約讀1遍已經很屌ㄌ, 沒想到魔高ㄧ尺, 道高ㄧ丈. Rita 在半年讀ㄌ6遍......
Rita姐, 小弟乾拜夏風. 前有失敬, 多多元量.
唉, ㄧ山還有ㄧ山高, 除ㄌ練Guitar現在還要多念Bible..........(也許有ㄧ天我可以用Guitar彈出聖經ㄉ話語來).....
雖然跟David & Rita 沒認識粉久, 但因在主裡ㄉ關係. 我們ㄧ見如故.
這次David & Rita ㄉ閃電求婚和閃電訂婚. 令我大開眼界. 也讚嘆不已.
David & Rita ㄉ相遇是ㄧ個很好ㄉ見證. 希望有機會可以和大家分享.
更謝謝Rita跟我分享她信主ㄉ經歷, 雖然有點長, 但非常金彩.
也給我很大ㄉ激勵. 我原本以為自己ㄧ年能把Bibleㄉ新約讀4遍,舊約讀1遍已經很屌ㄌ, 沒想到魔高ㄧ尺, 道高ㄧ丈. Rita 在半年讀ㄌ6遍......
Rita姐, 小弟乾拜夏風. 前有失敬, 多多元量.
唉, ㄧ山還有ㄧ山高, 除ㄌ練Guitar現在還要多念Bible..........(也許有ㄧ天我可以用Guitar彈出聖經ㄉ話語來).....
工做ㄉ意義 (The Meaning of WORK)
創 世 紀 2:15
耶 和 華 神 將 那 人 安 置 在 伊 甸 園 、 使 他 修 理 看 守 。
And the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to do work in it and take care of it.
One of man's first job is to "do work and take care" in the garden of Eden. God has intended us man to work as his creation ( I can only speak for man since God did not mention woman's job in this verse, so i guess it is all right with my wife staying home for now ).
Work and Ministry used to be a totally different subjects for me. I used to think work is just to make a living on earth, and it is only a way to make enough $ so I can retired early, and I can serve God on the spare time (ie. sunday). I guess I was wrong......as usual.
One of God's purpose when he created the Man is for him to work, and not to sit around on his ass and do nothing. So by going to work, we men are fullfilling God's desire as we are being created. That is why God has given every and each one of us a different type of talent & anointing. Some people are good with the numbers, some are good with arts, so we have engineers, bussiness man and above all, the architects (hahahahaha). By using our talent and anointing to be at work is fullfilling part of God's purpose and intension.
I used to go to work and thinking "just another day to get by". But now I understand the meaning of work, I thank God for given me artistic talent and a job that I was created to do, I am really greatful to be at work now as I am fullfilling part of God's plan.
耶 和 華 神 將 那 人 安 置 在 伊 甸 園 、 使 他 修 理 看 守 。
And the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to do work in it and take care of it.
One of man's first job is to "do work and take care" in the garden of Eden. God has intended us man to work as his creation ( I can only speak for man since God did not mention woman's job in this verse, so i guess it is all right with my wife staying home for now ).
Work and Ministry used to be a totally different subjects for me. I used to think work is just to make a living on earth, and it is only a way to make enough $ so I can retired early, and I can serve God on the spare time (ie. sunday). I guess I was wrong......as usual.
One of God's purpose when he created the Man is for him to work, and not to sit around on his ass and do nothing. So by going to work, we men are fullfilling God's desire as we are being created. That is why God has given every and each one of us a different type of talent & anointing. Some people are good with the numbers, some are good with arts, so we have engineers, bussiness man and above all, the architects (hahahahaha). By using our talent and anointing to be at work is fullfilling part of God's purpose and intension.
I used to go to work and thinking "just another day to get by". But now I understand the meaning of work, I thank God for given me artistic talent and a job that I was created to do, I am really greatful to be at work now as I am fullfilling part of God's plan.
Something About 威爺 — Guitar 2
威爺ㄉ新寵, 也是第3把吉他, 1970's reissued Stratocaster electric guitar by Fenderthe beatuiful Olympic White with maple fretboard, Stainless Steel "bullet truss rod" catch my eye when i first saw it at the guitar center last Chrismas. After hours of playing and trying different other guitars, the decison come down to the Epi Les Paul and the Strat. 當我正在煩惱which one should i pick, 突然有ㄧ個有如天使般ㄉ聲音說 : 就買白ㄉ摟............
Wa Le, 回頭ㄧ看, 原來是我ㄉ丈母娘. 說也奇怪, 本來還猶欲不決, 但因丈母娘ㄉㄧ句話心裡就很平安. 不愧是牧師娘.
ㄧ回家就對這把吉他愛不釋手. 我也從Internet上學ㄌㄧ堆ㄉ新技巧, like bending, slinding and power cords........
唉! 吉他之路真是學無止盡..........
Just a little side note, one of my favorite guitar player Jimi Hendrix often use a similar white Strat. Jimi is one of the legend in acid rock back in the 60's among with Jim Morrison & Janis Joplin (the 3 J's).
another side note: none of the 3J live past 30, it is really sad : (
Jimi plays with his full body and soul (sometimes his mouth), but he sold his soul to the devil.........
Love playing guitar, but also love God my Lord more, hehehe
Here is Jimmi play "hey joe" live
Wa Le, 回頭ㄧ看, 原來是我ㄉ丈母娘. 說也奇怪, 本來還猶欲不決, 但因丈母娘ㄉㄧ句話心裡就很平安. 不愧是牧師娘.
ㄧ回家就對這把吉他愛不釋手. 我也從Internet上學ㄌㄧ堆ㄉ新技巧, like bending, slinding and power cords........
唉! 吉他之路真是學無止盡..........
Just a little side note, one of my favorite guitar player Jimi Hendrix often use a similar white Strat. Jimi is one of the legend in acid rock back in the 60's among with Jim Morrison & Janis Joplin (the 3 J's).
another side note: none of the 3J live past 30, it is really sad : (
Jimi plays with his full body and soul (sometimes his mouth), but he sold his soul to the devil.........
Love playing guitar, but also love God my Lord more, hehehe
Here is Jimmi play "hey joe" live
July 4th BBQ
This July 4th was a exciting 4th since it was the first BBQ @ one of Will's Favorite couple's dwelling since they moved in few month ago. I was really excited for Freddy and Debby when they finally get the house of their dreams, and ended their house hunt for the last 3 years. Ever since the Dotcom, the realestate in Bayarea has become unreal and it is not easy to own a piece of the bay for an architect, not even 2 architects. I was also excited about it because the house has a killer view of the Bay bridge and golden gate bridge. It just made fireworks viewing so much more pleasant and easy. Plus Freddy's brand new BBQ grill...oh man I am in heaven!!!!!!One of Freddy's CREATIVE way of starting the fire..........I seem many BBQ fires and yet, here is one of the new way, all I can say is FED YOU AMAZED ME!!!!
Something About 威爺 — Guitar 1
話說4年前威爺在ㄧ個奇愈中遇到ㄌㄧ位音樂奇子Elvis, 也就是Yao Yao, 有時候是老王, 但不是貓王oh.....anyway, Since then 威爺我變和吉他解下不解之旅程.
威爺ㄉ第2把吉他是Martin's Accoustic/Electric DCX1E ( Martin Guitar Official Website ). The reason I picked DCX1E is that it is in the right price range, cutaway body, non glossy hand rubbed finish, and the most important reason of all, it has a very nice rounded warm tune. Plus it has very nice Mahogany smell from the body ( I love wood smell, it was hard for me to give up my furniture career ).
記得當時苦練吉他, 使用Elvisㄉ吉他祕訣, 那就是 "禱告&練習" . 感謝神不久就將我放在小組&教會裡服事. 雖然時常彈ㄉ亂78遭, 多虧有ㄧ群愛我ㄉ弟兄姊妹多多包含.
Now I think back for the past 4 years, I see God's grace and abundance in my life as I am serving him with my guitar. Glory to Him!!!
Few people also benifit from 威爺's guitar: George is one of the lucky guy whom I play the guitar at his wedding. George sing a beautiful song for his loving wife. Even I was so touched by his voice, and of course my guitar helped a bit too.
威爺ㄉ第2把吉他是Martin's Accoustic/Electric DCX1E ( Martin Guitar Official Website ). The reason I picked DCX1E is that it is in the right price range, cutaway body, non glossy hand rubbed finish, and the most important reason of all, it has a very nice rounded warm tune. Plus it has very nice Mahogany smell from the body ( I love wood smell, it was hard for me to give up my furniture career ).
記得當時苦練吉他, 使用Elvisㄉ吉他祕訣, 那就是 "禱告&練習" . 感謝神不久就將我放在小組&教會裡服事. 雖然時常彈ㄉ亂78遭, 多虧有ㄧ群愛我ㄉ弟兄姊妹多多包含.
Now I think back for the past 4 years, I see God's grace and abundance in my life as I am serving him with my guitar. Glory to Him!!!
Few people also benifit from 威爺's guitar: George is one of the lucky guy whom I play the guitar at his wedding. George sing a beautiful song for his loving wife. Even I was so touched by his voice, and of course my guitar helped a bit too.
列 王 記 下 4 : 3 ~ 6
以 利 沙 說 、 你 去 、 向 你 眾 鄰 舍 借 空 器 皿 . 不 要 少 借 、
家 裡 、 關 上 門 、 你 和 你 兒 子 在 裡 面 、 將 油 倒 在 所 有 的 器 皿 裡 、 倒 滿 了 的 放 在 一 邊 。
於 是 婦 人 離 開 以 利 沙 去 了 、 關 上 門 、 自 己 和 兒 子 在 裡 面 . 兒 子 把 器 皿 拿 來 、 他 就 倒 油 .
器 皿 都 滿 了 、 他 對 兒 子 說 、 再 給 我 拿 器 皿 來 。 兒 子 說 、 再 沒 有 器 皿 了 、 油 就 止 住 了
Then Elisha said to her, What am I to do for you? say now, what have you in the house? And she said, Your servant has nothing in the house but a pot of oil. Then he said, Go out to all your neighbours and get vessels, a very great number of them. Then go in, and, shutting the door on yourself and your sons, put oil into all these vessels, putting on one side the full ones. So she went away, and when the door was shut on her and her sons, they took the vessels to her and she put oil into them. And when all the vessels were full, she said to her son, Get me another vessel. And he said, There are no more. And the flow of oil was stopped.
Often my life is like a vessel that filled with whole bunch stuff. A lot of it is my pride, prejudice,dirty thoughts, things I want, but few are from God. Sometimes I pray that God can fill me with more of his wisdom and blessing, but often i forgot that my vessel is already filled my my own stuff. and a lot of times, thats what prevented us from God's blessing.
People often ask for better job, a better partner in life, a bigger house or a nicer car, but people never ask themselves if they deserve the things they are asking for. A better job, are you exerienced enough to qulify a better job; a better partner, are you and your partner have matched quality, or you are just asking for someone who is too good for you.
But from now on, I know I can ask God to enlarge my vessel or give me more vessel so I will have a place to catch God's oil. Now I think of the time since I college, I have gain so much weight. I hope my spiritual vessel can be enlarged like my big tummy so my 身,心,靈都ㄧ樣建壯.
以 利 沙 說 、 你 去 、 向 你 眾 鄰 舍 借 空 器 皿 . 不 要 少 借 、
家 裡 、 關 上 門 、 你 和 你 兒 子 在 裡 面 、 將 油 倒 在 所 有 的 器 皿 裡 、 倒 滿 了 的 放 在 一 邊 。
於 是 婦 人 離 開 以 利 沙 去 了 、 關 上 門 、 自 己 和 兒 子 在 裡 面 . 兒 子 把 器 皿 拿 來 、 他 就 倒 油 .
器 皿 都 滿 了 、 他 對 兒 子 說 、 再 給 我 拿 器 皿 來 。 兒 子 說 、 再 沒 有 器 皿 了 、 油 就 止 住 了
Then Elisha said to her, What am I to do for you? say now, what have you in the house? And she said, Your servant has nothing in the house but a pot of oil. Then he said, Go out to all your neighbours and get vessels, a very great number of them. Then go in, and, shutting the door on yourself and your sons, put oil into all these vessels, putting on one side the full ones. So she went away, and when the door was shut on her and her sons, they took the vessels to her and she put oil into them. And when all the vessels were full, she said to her son, Get me another vessel. And he said, There are no more. And the flow of oil was stopped.
Often my life is like a vessel that filled with whole bunch stuff. A lot of it is my pride, prejudice,dirty thoughts, things I want, but few are from God. Sometimes I pray that God can fill me with more of his wisdom and blessing, but often i forgot that my vessel is already filled my my own stuff. and a lot of times, thats what prevented us from God's blessing.
People often ask for better job, a better partner in life, a bigger house or a nicer car, but people never ask themselves if they deserve the things they are asking for. A better job, are you exerienced enough to qulify a better job; a better partner, are you and your partner have matched quality, or you are just asking for someone who is too good for you.
But from now on, I know I can ask God to enlarge my vessel or give me more vessel so I will have a place to catch God's oil. Now I think of the time since I college, I have gain so much weight. I hope my spiritual vessel can be enlarged like my big tummy so my 身,心,靈都ㄧ樣建壯.
蝦子餅 & Wife
Will's Cold Joke — 大大ㄉ張口
利 未 記 Leviticus 25:10~11
第 五 十 年 你 們 要 當 作 聖 年 、 在 遍 地 給 一 切 的 居 民 宣 告 自 由 . 這 年 必 為 你 們 的 禧 年 、 各 人 要 歸 自 己 的 產 業 、 各 歸 本 家 。第 五 十 年 要 作 為 你 們 的 禧 年 . 這 年 不 可 耕 種 、 地 中 自 長 的 、 不 可 收 割 . 沒 有 修 理 的 葡 萄 樹 、 也 不 可 摘 取 葡 萄 。因 為 這 是 禧 年 . 你 們 要 當 作 聖 年 . 喫 地 中 自 出 的 土 產 。
前天, 小劉(劉彤 矽谷生命河靈糧堂主任牧師)說今年是繼1906's Azuza 大復新後第2個禧年. 所以今年耶穌老大會大大ㄉ祝福我們.
BUT, we have to pray and ask for it. so
大大ㄉ張口, 就大大ㄉ得著
小小ㄉ張口, 就小小ㄉ得著
不張口, 就不得著
第 五 十 年 你 們 要 當 作 聖 年 、 在 遍 地 給 一 切 的 居 民 宣 告 自 由 . 這 年 必 為 你 們 的 禧 年 、 各 人 要 歸 自 己 的 產 業 、 各 歸 本 家 。第 五 十 年 要 作 為 你 們 的 禧 年 . 這 年 不 可 耕 種 、 地 中 自 長 的 、 不 可 收 割 . 沒 有 修 理 的 葡 萄 樹 、 也 不 可 摘 取 葡 萄 。因 為 這 是 禧 年 . 你 們 要 當 作 聖 年 . 喫 地 中 自 出 的 土 產 。
前天, 小劉(劉彤 矽谷生命河靈糧堂主任牧師)說今年是繼1906's Azuza 大復新後第2個禧年. 所以今年耶穌老大會大大ㄉ祝福我們.
BUT, we have to pray and ask for it. so
大大ㄉ張口, 就大大ㄉ得著
小小ㄉ張口, 就小小ㄉ得著
不張口, 就不得著
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