Even though Chris is not with us this year, there are many things to be thankful this year. Janice and I had gone to our dream Euro trip, Janice is finishing up her school (finally), me changing work environment, and all the health in our family. A lot happened this year, especially there are many uncertainty at this point, and I am not sure what to do and what will happen on many things, but thanks to God who put all the love one around me. Friends and family really gave me many comfort and advises in life. Special thanks to Anut Rita and Lyle who opens their place for this year's thanksgiving dinner. I can not believe how much I had ate last night. I was in charge of making salad this year, and thanks to Debra and her advise. She turned me to Martha Stewart's website for recipes. After going through few salad recipes online, I decided to go with the Romaine, avocado, corn salad. I guess I must done a good job since the entired bowl was finished before the dinner ended. Janice even suggested that I should go into culinary school...hehehe
To Sunny:
Wa Le......你怎麼看這麼仔細. 好像吃飽沒事做. hahaha, just kidding. The salad in the picture is only half way done. I havent add the dressing and corn, but alvocado is in there already. So look closer. wahahaha
haha, 威爺你說對了~
我真的是吃飽不做正事, 沒吃飽也是很無聊, 整天等著威嫂有空陪我胡說八道
真想快回臺灣去玩耍~ 你們快回去啊~ 一起去吃 ;)
喔, 我看到白白疑似是avocado的東西了啦~
To 黑:
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