眼睛睜開我不敢看 因為不知要往哪裡站
一個人漂在茫茫人海 真不知該怎麼辦
記得你曾要我試試看 試試看我到底敢不敢
一個人走在茫茫人海 憑著信心走過來
當我帶著懷疑的心態 一腳就往人海裡栽
我覺得很無奈 又沒人愛 所有信心被深埋
一個人總是在捉模 一些成功的線索
每次心中有了疑惑 我只能喊著救救我
你拉著我的手 在水上行走
we are like a seed in the sea, and often we have to go with the curren even if we do not want to. And a lot of times, people do not even realize we are in the curren of the world. I ask myself what is success in life? and how do you measure success in life? It is not easy to answer that question, and I think there are no right or wrong answer, but only appropriate answer according to each person. I envy Peter who has the courage to step off the boat and walk on water. Even though he stumble a bit but Jesus was right there to catch him. I ask myself do I have what it takes to step off the boat and walk on water?
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I guess
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