Just got back from the S.O.P. worship @ Daily City and I felt like a fully charged battery and ready to go. Yeah, baby!!!!
I went to a lot of worships, and somehow tonite is a bit different. I do not know it is because I was confused and depressed lately or something. God really touched my heart and spoke to me, but it was like nothing else before. It felt like my battery is full, but yet it still can be charged more, a lot more.... I felt the excitement of God's presence, but it is also very calm at the same time. It is like I am looking at things at higher level with a more clear view of things (like the 3D person who visited flat land). Although I do not know all the answer in life and what are my plans for the future, but one thing I do realize is that God is my strength not only when I am weak, but ALL THE TIME.
I am also so happy that my cousin was with me at the worship. It is real nice to share God's love and worship together with the person you love. I hope soon I can worship with my mom and Chris.
Honey, I am happy that your battery has been fully charged! Amen! I wish I could go to SOP with Amanda and you. God is good all the time~! Love you & miss you......
It's so great to hear that you're recharged and I totally agree with you that worship does not need perfect band or perfect songs. All we need is God himself! Thank you for being HIS testimony and I know God will richly bless you and Janice wherever you go!
所以決定在忙完之前 都不留言
如果你仍願意來看看我們 留個言
still want your t-shirt???????
To Judy:
Thank you and I will see you Saturday
To Joy:
I dont know what you talking about????
yes, I still want the shirt.....please....
Nice ^_^ Very happy for you.
P.s. Singing is not the only way to worship God.
Wow~~~ I want to be charged, too!! Thank you for the message! Very encouraging!
To 沙子娘:
there still a chance to be charged. S.O.P is worhshiping in 南灣愛修葡萄園 tonite @ 7:30, and 7:00 tomorrow.
Hi, regarding the SOP event, the guitar player was not a bad player, but he was timid coz it was his FIRST SOP event ever....
If you have been to SOP's event at 南灣愛修葡萄園, he did much better...
Sorry, i have to speak for him coz he's a friend of mine...
by the way...i'm from SOP. :)
To Grace:
you are a good friend who stick up for the guitar player, and I am sure he is a good guitar player. I apologise for what I said if anyone got offended.
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