Furniture is not just a piece of object. It is an extension of human body and as we utilizing it on our daily life, Furniture become part of our life and life style. A good piece of furniture should last you a life time (disregard how well Ikea is doing)!!!
I recall that I am used to spend so much time screwing around in the school shop at Berkeley. Trying to learn all the machineries in the shop, and of course, as a young lad, I had made many mistake, but praise the Lord, nothing is fatal. I guessed I had made so many mistakes that I was hired as a work-study student in the shop, so I can warn the others not to make the same mistake as I did. I really enjoy design and making furniture, and after graduation, I spend one year as an apprentice in a custom furniture shop before I moved on doing architecture. My friend and I even opened a hobby shop for couple years, but we end up closing it since we both are too busy with our day jobs and can not spend enough time in the shop to justify the rent we are paying for the space. Well, here are few piece my friend and I design and fabricate over the years, so Aiwen, let me know what you think and see if we have a shot in the Asia market. hahahaha