
Car Wash

It has almost been a month since Amanda picked up her brand new Scion TC (Marshmellow). Scion was one of the better car within the pricing rage and I am so glad that Amanda loves her new car. I dont know why she really wants a stickshift but seems like she is handling the stickshift pretty well (she sucked at the begining of course). It reminded me that in Europe, almost every single car is stickshift, it is only common to see automatic car in the United States. Anyway, we had our first car wash party and it was fun to show Amanda how to take care of her new baby!!!!!


Thanksgiving 2006

Even though Chris is not with us this year, there are many things to be thankful this year. Janice and I had gone to our dream Euro trip, Janice is finishing up her school (finally), me changing work environment, and all the health in our family. A lot happened this year, especially there are many uncertainty at this point, and I am not sure what to do and what will happen on many things, but thanks to God who put all the love one around me. Friends and family really gave me many comfort and advises in life. Special thanks to Anut Rita and Lyle who opens their place for this year's thanksgiving dinner. I can not believe how much I had ate last night. I was in charge of making salad this year, and thanks to Debra and her advise. She turned me to Martha Stewart's website for recipes. After going through few salad recipes online, I decided to go with the Romaine, avocado, corn salad. I guess I must done a good job since the entired bowl was finished before the dinner ended. Janice even suggested that I should go into culinary school...hehehe


I probably slept through most of my classes back in the dayz, but one thing I remebered from my environmental class is "Use what you got!" Not I only remembered it very well, I was also able to put the concept to use in my day off work. Here is my "Leftover Turkey Melt"



With Google purchased Youtube.com, many companies post their Ads on youtube and here is a really funny one by NIKE.




眼睛睜開我不敢看 因為不知要往哪裡站
一個人漂在茫茫人海 真不知該怎麼辦

記得你曾要我試試看 試試看我到底敢不敢
一個人走在茫茫人海 憑著信心走過來

當我帶著懷疑的心態 一腳就往人海裡栽
我覺得很無奈 又沒人愛 所有信心被深埋

一個人總是在捉模 一些成功的線索
每次心中有了疑惑 我只能喊著救救我
你拉著我的手 在水上行走

we are like a seed in the sea, and often we have to go with the curren even if we do not want to. And a lot of times, people do not even realize we are in the curren of the world. I ask myself what is success in life? and how do you measure success in life? It is not easy to answer that question, and I think there are no right or wrong answer, but only appropriate answer according to each person. I envy Peter who has the courage to step off the boat and walk on water. Even though he stumble a bit but Jesus was right there to catch him. I ask myself do I have what it takes to step off the boat and walk on water?


愛妻首則 III

Just walked in into my apartment tonight, and it was spotless! Man it was so clean that the tile in the bathroom was shining. It remind me of the Wife of Noble Charactor from the good book. I felt like I was the richest man in the entire world because my honey. Besides the clean home, a warm meal also takes my heart away, and no wonder I can never lose weight. Anyway, I am really greatful for such a noble wife God has given me!!!




Furniture is not just a piece of object. It is an extension of human body and as we utilizing it on our daily life, Furniture become part of our life and life style. A good piece of furniture should last you a life time (disregard how well Ikea is doing)!!!
I recall that I am used to spend so much time screwing around in the school shop at Berkeley. Trying to learn all the machineries in the shop, and of course, as a young lad, I had made many mistake, but praise the Lord, nothing is fatal. I guessed I had made so many mistakes that I was hired as a work-study student in the shop, so I can warn the others not to make the same mistake as I did. I really enjoy design and making furniture, and after graduation, I spend one year as an apprentice in a custom furniture shop before I moved on doing architecture. My friend and I even opened a hobby shop for couple years, but we end up closing it since we both are too busy with our day jobs and can not spend enough time in the shop to justify the rent we are paying for the space. Well, here are few piece my friend and I design and fabricate over the years, so Aiwen, let me know what you think and see if we have a shot in the Asia market. hahahaha




Just got back from the S.O.P. worship @ Daily City and I felt like a fully charged battery and ready to go. Yeah, baby!!!!
I went to a lot of worships, and somehow tonite is a bit different. I do not know it is because I was confused and depressed lately or something. God really touched my heart and spoke to me, but it was like nothing else before. It felt like my battery is full, but yet it still can be charged more, a lot more.... I felt the excitement of God's presence, but it is also very calm at the same time. It is like I am looking at things at higher level with a more clear view of things (like the 3D person who visited flat land). Although I do not know all the answer in life and what are my plans for the future, but one thing I do realize is that God is my strength not only when I am weak, but ALL THE TIME.
I am also so happy that my cousin was with me at the worship. It is real nice to share God's love and worship together with the person you love. I hope soon I can worship with my mom and Chris.