"生命中到底追尋的是什麼, 還有什麼是值得我去追求."
I been searching the meaning of life a lot lately, and while driving on the bay bridge with Janice this afternoon made me realized something. Life is most fulfilling if you can share it with someone you truly love. It does not matter where you are moving, where your job is, and what is going to happen in the future. As long as there are someone you can share with, no matter it is painful or happiness. I am truly thankful that God has been in my life, and he gave me Janice as my life partner. Also all the families and friends. It just made my life a lot more interesting and worth so much more to share. And guess what, no matter what is going to happen in life, I will still have someone I love and who loves me be with me!!!!
wowoo.......... how sweet~
Now, you have two! Janice & Jr.
i totally agree with you! =)
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