Surprisingly, we are having our office Christmas party on time this year. Thanks to J.B. consistently pressing the date, boss decided to have it on time, plus we can bring the spouses this year. I have to say that I am really impressed since we always have our office party in March or May...hahaha. Poor Steve couldn't find anyone since he is in a long distant relationship. He is so desperate and almost called the escort service. J.B. was going to bring a blow-up doll for Steve. Wahahahaha, it was so funny.
It was really nice to meet J.B.'s wife Julie finally, and it is funny to see how J.B. acts in front of his love ones...............still loud and obnoxious. Since J.B. is in charges of organizing the event, we end up going to Betelnut next to our office on Union. It is our 3rd time to the restaurant as an office party only because J.B. loves the place.(we thought of slated door, but it is kinda far, and we are lazy boyz). Even the restaurant is kinda loud and I can really hear all the conversation, but it is real nice to spend time w/ my co-works outside the office. Boss also announced that I will be leaving the office end of year. Since I was the employee of the year plus I worked in the office for the longest (almost 5 years) Boss got me a second edition of Peter Zumthor's "thinking architecture" hard cover. I was real surprised and real happy about the gift, although I thought the book could have more pictures than words, but hey, it might worth something in 10 years since the first edition end up a real top seller and it has become a collector's item. It also means more reading for me on top of my license exam.
Man, we had so much food since we order double of the dishes, plus we tried whole bunch of new plates per waiter's recommendation (man, that waiter is good). We barely made it back to the office, and spend the rest of the afternoon try to diguest the lunch.
For the last 5 years in the office, I had learned so much and had grown a lot. As the boss puts it " even I had rough start, but I worked through it ". I think I will really miss everyone in the office, and now I just have to move on and walk forward and continue with the rest of my architectural career.......(if God still plan it that way....)