One of my biggest regret last year is that when my grandma (from my dad's side) passed away, she is not a believer and I have never had a chance to tell her how much Jesus loved her.
On 02/05 my grandma checked into the hospital due to her heart and lung condition, and before anyone realized how serious my grandma's heart problem is, we were told she need another heart surgery. For the next few days her condition is getting worse and worse, and my family and I end up taking shift at the hospital to watch over my grandma. One of the hardest thing for me is to preach to my family about Jesus Christ, and with deep Buddhist influence from our culture and countless lost arguments, I have given up taking my religion with my family. But seeing my grandma laying on the bed and feeling much pain, I really do not know what else can I do for my grandma other than praying. So I ask my grandma if I can pray for her, and surprisedly she said yes without any hesitation. At that moment in time, I knew God is taking her heart over and everything felt easy that afternoon.
Few days later, grandma had angiography to evaluate her condition, and the procedure had pushed her condition over and they had to put her on a life support system. For many times I felt that I will never talk to my grandma again, and I wished I had asked her to be baptized so we can meet again in heaven. I start to pray for my grandma every hour and I had never pray so much in my entire life. It seemed God has heard my prayers, on the 15 my grandma is awake and they took the life support off so she can talk to the family while the doctor is looking for a hospital would take my grandma and do the surgery. After church dad, mom, Janice, little Zoya and me went over to the hospital to check out grandma. Dad & mom and me start to pray for grandma over her bed and I had felt a sensation deep in my heart, and after the prayers, I asked my grandma if she want to be baptized. and again, without a hesitation she said yes. She only wants to check with grandpa and he also said sure. So just like that, God has done the impossible........one other thing my grandma asked is "what should I do with the statues at home?".....I was like "I will take care of it and don't worry about it....
i totally identify with you on difficulty of sharing Gospel with the (buddhist) family, especially ones in taiwan. that's great testimony and encouragement, i need to pray hard and watch for God's leading.
WOw....i didn't know you still update your blog! haha, just happened to click on the link...very touching testimony and glory to Jesus!
nothing is impossible for Him!
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