Venice, Italy -— the most romantic place I ever been in my entire life. I have read and hear from people that how nice Venice is, but I have my doubt until I was there myself. The entry to the Venice train station is quite dramatic too, it was 2 hours train ride from Florence. For 2 hours it was just ordinary ride with ordinary country scene outside the window until 5 minutes before arrive Venice. The horizon just seems to disappear all the sudden, and there is nothing else but the sea outside the window. The train was riding in the middle of the sea as it was floating on top of water. I once heard that you will fall in love with any person you went to Venice with, and it was noexaggerationn (for the brothers and sisters who is praying for their second half, praying and bring the person to Venice will be your best bet, trust me!!!). The water way instead of street, the boat instead of cars, and the moon light above all the ancient buildings. It was just perfect environment for love, and I am so glad that Janice was right next to me when we were there. We also saw a newly-wed couple on the gondola as we are crossing the bridge, and it was sooooooo lovely and romantic that made me want to get marry in Venice again (to the same girl of course).
That's funny, I don't feel the romance at all while in Venice. Don't you think the water is sort of stinky and the gondola's kind of wobbly? Or maybe they cleaned it and fixed it since I was there 18 years ago (when I graduated from college)? Or maybe it's because I went with my parents? Could that be it?!
Aiwen, it is funny you said that. I always wondering if I would felt the same way i did few years earlier. I think it has to do with the life stage you are in and personal experiences. The lesson I learn is that we need to appreciate the people who is around us more often, also cherish every single monent you have at any time any place.
and to Joy...........I am not sure what you are talking about....at all. hahaha
真的是... 賣哥共啦!
厚 羨慕到死了
聽你這樣寫 我也好想親身體驗一下
i know..janice told me that it's super romantic there...
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