Remembering wathing the TV series Amazing Race, and see the couples argue and fight during the race appear silly to me. I always thought to myself how can a small mistake like making a wrong turn in the parking lot could ever become a vicious fight between any couple. Guess what! I totally understand it now after spending every single 40 days with Janice on the trip, and now I understand why it is called the Amazing Race. I think it is more about relationships between teammates more than any of the amazing place or game ever shown on the TV.
I had known Janice for over 10 years now, and I thought I know Janice pretty well up til the middle of the trip. I was amazed how different our opinions are on things, and our though process are totally opposite. Like trying to find the way to get to the museum on our metro map. It usually takes couple turns of arguing on how come our way of transferring metro lines are better than each others (but it is what make the trip interesting.....I guess........). So we end up taking turns of looking at the map, and decide how to go where, it kind of work better since only one chief is in the kitchen.....hehehe. But we still got lost all the time since the Europe map does not reflect the exact Europe street, and not all the street have names.......or we could not find the sign of the street name. Man, I have no idea how European find their way to any places.
I also find out Janice and I are noticing different things even when we are looking at the same thing. Janice would notice all the weird sculpture sticking out on the facade of the church, but I would notice the dog shit laying all over the sidewalk and telling Janice to watch out, I ended up the one who step into one after giving warning to Janice : ( and it stinks........However, noticing different things is a good thing since there were couple times I was so lost with the map, and Janice would notice the small sign off the street that direct us to the right place, and I would be like " where is the sign you saw ?" because I still could not see the sign.
One of the valuable thing I gain is that I understand Janice more, and her thought process. Our communication skills are getting better.....I think. I also appreciate Janice more as a companion and travel partner. Maybe one day we can do the Amazing Race on TV, or not, hahahahaha.

Pont du Gard, Roussillon. One of the place we did not get lost : ), thanks to our tour bus driver!!!hahahaha
神為什麼要為亞當造夏娃?為了是"幫助他" (創世記二章十八節)所以聰明的先生就會聽妻子,哈哈哈哈!!
在一起四十晝夜不分開的確不容易, 會有很多意見相左的地方, 可是這個蜜月旅行才值得阿! 提早把你們接下來好幾十年會遇到的問題都預演一遍!
讓我們看到的人 都感染了你們的快樂!
man...love reading your blog!!! and the pictures!!!
it's good that you get to know your wife better and better..even after knowing her for many many many years.. i guess really getting to know a person is a lifelong process!
i can tell your differences by the reading your blogs.
i wanna go to europe......
Welcome back, Bro!
Really admire this 40 days Euro trip you guys made, so happy to hear your sharing! Hope to see you at Judy's B-day party.
To Judy:
ㄏㄏ, 謝謝您ㄉ誇獎. 其實這ㄧ張照片拍ㄉ粉累. 因為我們離腳架粉遠. 我跑ㄉ半死才剛好趕上this shot. 如果是拍正面, 我ㄉ表情ㄧ定是累壞ㄉ臉........
To Syd:
I hope you find someone who can share your Europe trip in the near future tooooooooooo.................a trip can make you know a person really well.
To Bro. Yang:
thanks blood, I am really happy to be back and I have so much to share. see you at Judy's party.
It's much easier to read English, so here I am!
Also, Janice hasn't gotten to day 2 yet!
My husband is in China half of the time. I miss him when he's on the run. But he really gets on my nerve when he's around! I don't think we can ever make it on the Amazing Race, not even for a day!
Do you mind if I add you to my link?
To Aiwen:
you are more than welcome to add to your link.
Yeah, Janice is giving me a head start on the blog. otherwise i will have nothing to write........just kidding.
and I am sure you and your hudsband will be fine if you guys ever went on a long trip. It just take a bit of time and patience and love.....hehehehehe. I am sure the feeling goes both way, and I am lucky janice still want to be with me after the trip. hehehehehe
for sure, Joy............
Dear Will:
也越 appreciate彼此
To Rita:
書到用時方恨少, 平常叫你多念英文吧!!!
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