
Euro Trip

FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFinallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, BIG WILL is going to Europe!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can not believe it is really happening tomorrow. I know Janice and I have been planning the trip for few month now, but the idea of going to Europe has never feel real in my mind until this Friday, when I went over all the projects I was working on (notice "WAS") with boss at work. It was a great feeling and much of relief. After 7 years of working, it is a great idea that knowing when I wake up on Monday, I DO NOT HAVE TO GO TO WORK!! Plus, I am going to Europe. hohohohohohoh, God is good.....All the time.....Especially this time!!!!
On Saturday, Janice and I are doing the last minute shopping. We got our REI backpack, lock for the backpack, secret security belt for our $ and visa and CF card reader for the camera. Since I will be shooting for Heike & Eric's wedding and I am incharge of all the photo transffering and storing during the trip. I have invest a lot time and money doing research on the best way to store the digital photos and how to transferring the images from the camera to storage. For storage, I choose the Apple Ipod video 30GB with the Apple camera connector. For the convenience of transferring files while still be able to shoot, I got the USB CF card reader from XtraDrive. This way, I can shoot the wedding continuously with my 2 CF cards. For the camera gear, I got a traveler tri-pod from Amazon.com for $8, yeah yeah, I know, it is not the best tri-pod but I do not have to worry about it get stolen or break it during the trip. I am really excited about this trip because I want to go Europe since college, but there is always something got in the way, and it never happened. I am also a bit worried since Europe is a new world and new language and new culture, but more excited than worried. For all the brother and sisters, please pray for our safety and health during the trip and do not miss me too much (or janice's blogging)!!!

peace out, God bless!!!

( 祝福滿滿的歐洲之旅 ).


愛妻首則 II

Rule #2: 老婆做事像 神ㄧ樣, 她有她ㄉ時間和理由, ㄧ般人無法了解, 做先生ㄉ只有去順服!

前幾天威爺為ㄌ威嫂花太多時間在"威嫂的布拉格"發生ㄌㄧ點不愉快. 威爺認為威嫂可以更有效ㄉ利用時間, 不要每天花那麼多時間在電腦前. 好像寫Blog是ㄧ天ㄉpriority. 威嫂卻不以為然, 她認為寫blog能讓每天生活變得更加充實, 也能夠抒發一下自己ㄉ心情.
挖勒!ㄧ整天在公司看人臉色, 工做ㄌ半死. ㄧ回家卻看到家裡ㄧ團遭, 而且沒飯吃, 還講ㄉ威爺ㄧ頭霧水, ㄧ時又氣又好笑不知如何回答. 只好ㄧ個人到角落讀經禱告.........
就這樣過ㄌ幾天, 威爺發現ㄧ樣粉好笑ㄉ事. 就在幾位姊妹ㄉBlog上看到幾則相似ㄉ事件. 雖事件都不同但大致是家裡老公Complain老婆在家為ㄌblog荒廢家事. 威爺實在了解每家老公ㄉ心情, 因為他們跟威爺對威嫂講ㄉ竟然ㄧ模ㄧ樣! OMG, 真是太陽底下無新事. 在認同其它老公ㄉ同時, 威爺也有ㄧ些認知.

1. 為什麼威嫂要借著Blog來抒發自己ㄉ心情, 而不能跟威爺ㄧ起來解決或者帶到神面前. 不知道沒有blog以前人是怎麼抒發自己ㄉ心情......

2. 威嫂ㄉ邏籍和價值觀是完全不同, 與其argue about it, 不如接受她ㄉ想法, 就好像耶老接受ㄌ不完全ㄉ我ㄧ樣.

3. 要學習去用威嫂ㄉ方法去愛威嫂, 不能ㄧ直用威爺ㄉ觀點來關心(雖然很不make sense, but that's WHAT JESUS WOULD DO!, so suck it up)

4. 最後威爺要謝謝ㄧ些姊妹ㄉ分享, 讓我了解威嫂ㄉ想法. 雖然我還是無法完全了解和同意, 但威爺現在知道Blog對威嫂ㄉ重要性.

哎, 這年頭好老公真難做. 除ㄌ要賺錢還要了解老婆! 不過也希望神能再次ㄉ在我和威嫂ㄉ婚姻中掌權, 在我不完全ㄉ地方顯出他ㄉ榮耀!!!!!

Sequoia National Park by Will.i.am


Sup Snoop!!!

每次見到 LIVE SIZE ㄉ卡通人物都忍不住要去抱一下, 因為感覺自己好像進入ㄌ卡通世界. 記得 MONSTER INC. 剛上映ㄉ時後, 電影院也有 LIVE SIZE ㄉ SULLEY & MIKE. 我看到ㄉ時候超想把他們帶回家, 可惜太大車子裝不下.........


How come SHIT happens to good people ?

馬太福音 7:24-26

今天在網上聽到小劉分想如何"預備成為神ㄉ器皿"時, 對上面ㄉㄧ段經節特別有感動. 也許是因為講到建房子吧, 對我特別Make Sense, 耶老大還真會用比喻! 讓我ㄧ聽就懂. Anyway, 我ㄉ感動是不論你ㄉ房子是蓋在磐石或在沙子上, 都會有雨淋,水沖,風吹. 所以不論你是好人或壞人, Shit will happen to you!!! 就像雨淋,水沖,風吹到房子上. 記得耶老大有ㄧ次醫治ㄧ個天生瞎眼ㄉ人, 結果門徒就問老大為啥這人從小就瞎ㄌ眼?是因為他前世犯ㄉ罪還是他父母在生他時犯ㄌ罪? 結果耶老ㄧ語道出ㄌ世上ㄧ切ㄉ真理.
老早前我們ㄉ老祖宗亞當跟夏娃(不是猴子ㄛ)做ㄌ傻事, 罪就流到世上. 所以 Shit 就ㄧ並發生, 沒啥好驚其ㄉ. 所以不論你認為你是好人或壞人, Shit 隨時可發生. 哎!神還真公平. 但每ㄧ件事都有發生ㄉ時間和理由(so there is no such thing as luck), 我們雖無法控制Shit happens, 但我們可以選擇如何來面對. 我們可以像門徒ㄧ質問Why? Why? Why?, or 我們可以求神給我們力量, 來榮耀神在我們身上ㄉ作為!

威爺ㄉ新鞋, 為ㄌ下個月歐洲之旅. 也願神保首, 讓好事發生在好人生上! ㄏㄏㄏ