It has been 5 years since I got my iBook and I have been struggling with the speed and the size of screen for this little laptop. With the technology changing so fast and the demand on streaming video & audio, having a 5 year old machine is really like using a stone tool at today's world. I pretty much just been using my iBook to check emails while reading since the internet is really slow. My heart have been wanting to upgrade to a new mac with a bigger screen for a while now, but due to the recent unemployment (9 month) and the pressure of my second kid's coming, budgeting has been tight. So the idea of buying a new computer just fall waaaaaaaaay off to the bottom of my to buy list. However with selling my MR2, I got some extra cash (sorry Chris, I will pay you back someday) and the hope of getting a new mac becomes more feasible. After some research on eBay for how much I can get if I sold my old iBook and Janice's old PowerMac G4, plus the free shipping and free iPod touch, I can somewhat justify getting a new mac (the bottom line is "the man get what he wants")
So here it is, my second personal mac : )
and good job Steve and apple team !!!
really great mac! the screen is big enough for you to see from a distance.
the man gets what he wants. but i think your wife will tell you that "the woman gets everything he has!" hahahahahaha
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