
Vote YES on Prop. 8

I believe Marriage is between One Man + One Woman as God intended.

The man said,
"This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called woman, for she was taken out of man."
For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.

-Genesis 2:23~24

On my wedding day 3 years ago I had made an beautiful promise to my Wife and in front of God that I the man and my wife the woman has become one for the rest of my life and I intend to keep it.


50,000 MILES

One of my daily routine is drive in L.A. traffic. As I was drive home tonight, I notice my odometer break 50,000 miles. It was a record because I have never put these many mileages within 2 1/2 year of owning the car, and it is the most driving I have ever driven within such of short time. 50,000 miles represent a lot of time spend in the car, and it shows how much money I distributed to the oil company. It also shows how much frustration I have at this moment of my life, but what it does not show is many many many hours I spend with my Lord. Listen to his words, praise him and converse with him. So, many thanksgiving to the 50,000 miles.


GoodBye 2007 & Happy New Year 2008

It has been a long long time since I last update my blog. Life has been really crazy for me ever since Zoya was born, and my priority changes as my blog falls off to the bottom of my To-Do-List. Anyway, 2007 was a real busy and fruitful year for the Hsien family. There are many many things to be thankful, the new addition to the Hsien family; my wife and family's support and love; Joyfruit fellowship; Wednesday prayer meetings; new job at MRA; super long commute that brought me closer to my God.
Now, it is time to say goodbye to 2007 with a grateful heart and welcome 2008 with great expectations. So Happy New Year to everyone !!!